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For its 10th anniversary, the Chain of Life Challenge can count on an exceptional honorary president. Recognizing the importance of organ and tissue donation education in schools, Quebec philanthropist, Mr. Jean-Pierre Léger, has joined the cause.

Moved by the solidarity-based and caring mission of the Chain of Life organization, Mr. Jean-Pierre Léger was honoured to accept the title of Honorary President of the 2024 Challenge. The Fondation Famille Léger, of which he is the vice-president, has supported the organization since 2019. 

A member of the Ordre national du Québec, the philanthropist deplores the fact that the issue of organ shortage often remains a taboo subject. In his view, the public has everything to gain from being informed about the complex process of managing organ donation and from opening up discussions on this crucial issue so that more lives can be saved. To achieve this, Mr Léger is convinced that young people can act as agents of change in our society.

Schools are a remarkable place to raise awareness about organ and tissue donation among young people and educate future generations about this important issue.

Jean-Pierre Léger

The mission of the Fondation Famille Léger is to help vulnerable people in our community by supporting organizations and projects that work directly with the individuals themselves. More specifically, the Fondation is committed to promoting the well-being and development of families and children by supporting various health initiatives. The Chain of Life Challenge falls directly within its scope of action.

For the past five years, financial support from the Fondation has enabled Chain of Life to expand its education program on organ and tissue donation in Quebec schools. More specifically, the funds go towards developing teaching-learning tools that enable secondary school teachers to educate their students about organ and tissue donation. Thus, young people can form a personal and informed opinion and initiate family discussions regarding this issue.

As an individual, I believe it is our duty to educate our society and raise awareness regarding the need to help save lives. It's all the more gratifying because solidarity and involvement are absolute sources of pride!

Jean-Pierre Léger

The Chain of Life Challenge will be held on the weekends of October 12, 13 and 14 and October 19 and 20. As Honorary President, Mr. Léger invites all Quebecers to participate in their region or to make a donation to support the educational mission of the Chain of Life organization.

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