Thank you for your generosity!
Donating to Chain of Life
Chain of Life is a charity that relies primarily on the financial support of the general public and on private organizations in order to pursue its educational mission on organ and tissue donation.

You can support Chain of Life by making a donation in your name or in memory of someone.
Your support goes to:
- Furnish the pedagogical material to the schools;
- Offer the training sessions to the teachers;
- Develop new tools to facilitate family discussion.
We strongly encourage you to make your donations online to avoid any delays in processing the donations and issuing receipts.
Donations by Cheque
Please send your cheque made out to Chain of Life, along with the Donation Form.
This form may be filled out on the computer or printed and completed by hand.
Return the form and your cheque to:
Chain of Life
3107, avenue des Hôtels
Québec (Québec) G1W 4W5 Canada
For information:
418 862-5702