À Cœur Ouvert

Captain: Michel Bourget

Total in the team: 19 member(s)

As a heart transplant recipient myself for over three years, organ donation is of great importance to me and my family. That's why, for the past few years, I've been participating in the Chain of Life Challenge in the Chaudières-Appalaches region in order to raise money for this cause. Join my Open Heart team and climb Mont-Orignal with us on Sunday, October 16.

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$0 Goal: $1000

À Cœur Ouvert

Team member(s):

Michel Bourget

Ericka Métivier

Rose Bourget

Emile Bourget

Martine Frederick

Melany Grondin

Melanie Robitaille

Jeanne Dionne

Charles-Edward Mercier

Gaston Bourget

Raymond Bourget

Francis Moore

Francis Moore

Melissa Nadeau

Annie Roy

Carl-Éric Guertin

jonathan blais

Kathy Pouliot

Sébastien Proteau

Donations to the team: